Engineer goby, jawfish, and small tankmates
have a 90 gal reef and planning to upgrade to a 210 gal. I like small and medium sized fishes as weel as crustaceans. I am interested in keeping a trio of jawfish or convict blenny / engineer goby. I am hesitating and would like the opinion and most of all experiences of other people regarding compatibility.
1-Would these species represent a threath to small crustaceans (small sexy shrimps, cleaner shrimps, small porcelain crabs, etc.) and to clown goby (gobiodon histrio and citrinis: 1&1/2”)?
2-Is it really a problem to keep them with LPS corals and clams sitting on the DSB?
3-Does their digging disturb DSB’s NNR methodology?
1-Would these species represent a threath to small crustaceans (small sexy shrimps, cleaner shrimps, small porcelain crabs, etc.) and to clown goby (gobiodon histrio and citrinis: 1&1/2”)?
2-Is it really a problem to keep them with LPS corals and clams sitting on the DSB?
3-Does their digging disturb DSB’s NNR methodology?