My Uncle is unbelievable

My Uncle had an apiphany and wanted to do a OCEAN only tank. He wanted to have ONLY ocean materials in his tank. water, LR, fish everything. He talked to his buddy that worked down in monterays ocean licensings department(i forget the name)where they submit permets to divers, fish catchers and all that. He figured out what he could take from the ocean legaly and what he would needed to submit in order to take or purchase. Anyways you can legaly take water, sand(from specific parts) and thats it california law.(fact you cant take stones or shells off of the beach or through them into the water it is illegal and a hefty fine). So he got the water and sand and his tank has been going a few months. Things he had to buy permets(I dont want to list them all it will take FOREVER).

Via Aquaria Info


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