National Coral Reef Action Strategy: Report to Congress (2005)
Were you aware that there is a National Coral Reef Task Force? It is defined as “an interagency body that works to develop and implement comprehensive, multidisciplinary and coordinated approaches to preserve and protect U.S. coral reef ecosystems and encourage sound coral reef conservation practices globally”.
Some of their specific responsibilities of the National Coral Reef Task Force include:
1. Coral Mapping and Monitoring, 2. Research, 3. Conservation, Mitigation and Restoration, and 4. International Cooperation.
In July 2005, NOAA, in cooperation with the U.S. Coral Reef Task Force, released a report to Congress entitled Implementation of the National Coral Reef Action Strategy: Report on the U.S. Coral Reef Task Force Activities from 2002-2003. This document is the first of the biennial progress reports required by the Coral Reef Conservation Act of 2000 and provides an update on activities undertaken to implement the National Coral Reef Action Strategy (NAS), developed in 2002.
The report summarizes Task Force members’ implementation of the thirteen goals addressed in the NAS, and highlights the many accomplishments made since the NAS was developed, describing for each goal area specific programs and activities completed or underway. It also notes future challenges in addressing coral reef health issues. Below is the complete report, and individual chapters. To receive a hard copy of the report, email name and mailing information to or visit the NOAA website for a pdf version of the report.